Monday, August 26, 2013

Chicken for breakfast

My sleep schedule has been crazy so I find myself hungrier for protein in the early hours of they day. Yesterday's red cabbage meal had my protein in it. In the evening I ate a breakfast-y toasted oatmeal with toasted coconut and apple sauce.  Delicious, by the way.  Here's the recipe for that:

Toast 1/4 cup oatmeal plus 3 tablespoons flaked unsweetened coconut in a dry pan or in the bottom of your slow cooker.   (75 calories oatmeal, 100 calories coconut)

Add to a half cup (more or less) unsweetened natural applesauce.  Trader Joe's Gravenstein applesauce is a favorite of mine.  (50 cal.)

Sprinkle some cinnamon if you like.  Enjoy.

Toasting the oatmeal adds so much flavor!  I will never add boiling water to oatmeal again.  Oh, and don't use the boxes full of packets of oatmeal!  Get the round container of good old Quaker Oats or a generic brand for best value.  

It was very tasty and satisfying at only 225 calories.  If you have calories to spare, you could always add a little more applesauce.

That was last night's meal.  This morning I had chicken and broccoli with a little lemon and 1 tblsp pecorino romano for less than 300 calories, I believe.  Let's calculate:

3 oz fresh chicken breast, broiled in its own juice   170

6 oz frozen broccoli -- 50
fresh garlic and fresh lemon juice - I don't count the neglible calories in this
1 tablespoon pecorino - 20
1/2 tbsp olive oil - 60

300 exact.  Was delicious.  That 6 ounces of broccoli was a copious amount and there was plenty of chicken on my plate.

I ate half a granny smith apple and 10 grapes as well.  I am upping my calories to about 700 - 800 for the next few days to avoid  crashing and burning.  The other night I had what I think is "carb flu".  Slight chills, headache - luckily it was bedtime anyway, so I slept and got an extra 2 hours sleep.  Lucky me, I can do this.  Felt much better upon waking.  That's why I'm going to add the extra calories.  I don't want to make this un-doable nor do I want to make myself sick.  At 800 calories, I am still very low.  

One symptom I haven't had is excruciating hunger.  I experience a hunger pang when I haven't eaten for a few hours, I drink some tea and it goes away.  And this doesn't always happen!  I think this is because I am eating protein, fresh veg and fruit - high volume, low calorie and the protein is very sating.   I am hoping to shed another 5 to 7 pounds this week. I know from past experience that there usually is a larger loss the first week of any diet.  "Water weight" they say, as if it isn't real progress - but ask yourself, who wants to walk around with 7 excess pounds of water on their bodies?  I don't.  Not a good look.  So anyway, we'll see if I can duplicate the great results I got last week. 

I will keep making good choices and continue to be honest with myself.  The rest will follow.

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